The answer is easy! They know what is important about communicating!
First of all, learning a second language is not like learning any other subject. Naturally, most attempt to learn in the traditional fashion because that is what we are accustomed to.
Traditionally, we start at a young age taking notes, quizzes, and tests. We even come to accept the stress of it all. To a certain extent this is a part of learning and applying our knowledge. However, if we think back to how we learned our native language, it did not involve taking notes, quizzes, or even tests. A good first step is to be open to having fun and never forget that it’s ok to make mistakes!
Far too often we worry about how we might sound or if we are using the correct words, and this is something that significantly slows down communication. It is imperative that when you know what you want to say, but are unsure of how to say it, that you dive in and begin to try to communicate the idea.
For instance, if you can’t remember verb endings, but can just say the verb itself, others will understand you and you will be communicating much faster. More than likely you will be understood and eventually you will start to produce more and more complex phrases. Your brain will automatically correct you once you learn the concepts, so it is not necessary to be corrected all the time.
It’s a common misconception that one must know and understand everything about a language to be able to communicate. The fact is that if you focus on listening and using the vocabulary that is familiar to you versus what isn’t, you will advance more quickly.
In other words use what you know!