Many businesses ask this question or assume that getting a translator will solve all of their communication problems. This is a common mistake that in many cases ultimately leads to lost clientele. It would seem logical to think that a bilingual person would fix the problem. However, this does not solve the problem of how to build trust between your organization and your clientele, and trust is very important to Spanish-speakers.
The businesses that we have worked with have seen that it takes the WHOLE staff to make a person feel welcome in a business. What would it look like if your staff could all greet someone appropriately both with language AND a simple understanding of the culture? Then, as your bilingual staff member can help them, they will already feel comfortable with your company.
Many companies don’t understand that can be a “turn-off” to a Spanish-speaker not acknowledge the children with a simple hello. Your staff does not need to know the whole language, but they must learn how to capture the client from the start to make them feel welcome and comfortable or you have a chance of losing them.
Your company will not build the trust with your customer if they can only speak to one person and that is the only person who makes them feel comfortable. Companies that we have worked with have seen this when the bilingual employee leaves, the client leaves as well.
Your staff can be trained quickly and affordably without having to invest in long college classes. If the staff can do the basics, and understand how to tear down walls and build up trust in the first five minutes of meeting someone, then your organization will be well on it’s way to growing in the Spanish-speaking population.